Disability Insurance

Disability Insurance

Disability Insurance

The District-paid income protection benefit covers all regular full-time classified, academic, and MSC employees with short-term/long-term disability insurance. Part-time employees (excluding associate faculty) may purchase income protection at a pro-rated premium.  Eligibility is the first day of the month following the employee's date of hire.

Associate Faculty pay for State Disability Insurance (SDI) through payroll deductions. California workers covered by SDI qualify for Paid Family Leave (PFL).

Classified, Academic & MSC
Upon an employee's total disability due to accident or illness The Hartford pays an income equivalent to 66 2/3% of the insured earnings, reduced by income from other sources, subject to a maximum monthly benefit of $6,000. Benefits are integrated with other group disability benefits. For academic members the policy provides income protection for only one year providing the employee is vested with STRS. After the one-year period the employee is eligible for STRS disability retirement. For classified employees the plan pays to age 65. Benefits begin after 30 days have elapsed and all sick leave and vacation (if applicable) hours have been used. 

Short Term Disability Insurance Plan Summary

Long Term Disability Insurance Plan Summary

To file a claim, contact Human Resources at (530) 895-2400.

Associate Faculty
Associate Faculty pay for State Disability Insurance (SDI) through payroll deductions. In the event of a long-term absence, the District coordinates sick leave with SDI.

State Disability Insurance (SDI) was extended to provide Paid Family Leave to individuals who take time off work to care for a seriously ill child, spouse, parent, or registered domestic partner, or bond with a new minor child.

For more information on Associate Faculty Paid Family Leave (PFL), please click the links below:

For more information on Associate Faculty State Disability Insurance (SDI), please click the links below:

Content Editor:

Kathy Turner
(530) 879-4047